Document of the version 3 (20161014a) flatfile

Columns for IDs

Column_name Description_en 說明 單位(unit) Note
RSN SSHAC record series number 紀錄編號SSHAC    
EQSN SSHAC GMC GMC database event id SSHAC GMC database地震ID   SSHAC GMC資料庫 data id (file from CWB) 資料ID(氣象局檔名)   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Pfile eq id (pfile name from CWB) 地震ID(氣象局pfile名)   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
filename file name of the record (from CWB)     SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
EQ_ID eq id using timestamp 地震ID使用時間    
EQID.NGA eq id from NGA database (NGA-West2, NGA-Sub) 地震ID(NGA database)   NGA資料庫
ID.eqcatalog eq id from SSC earthquake catalog 地震ID(SSC地震目錄)   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
EQID.ISC ISC eq id from SSC earthquake catalog ISC地震ID (SSC地震目錄)   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
EQID.CSN CSN eq id from SSC earthquake catalog CNS地震ID (SSC地震目錄)   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
RSN.NGAWest2 Record series number from NGA-West2 database 記錄編號 (NGA-West2)   NGA資料庫
RSN.NGASUB Record series number from NGA-Sub database 記錄編號 (NGA-Sub)   SSHAC GMC資料庫NGA資料庫
Column_name Description_en 說明 單位(unit) Note
Lon_X.NGA epicenter longitude from NGA database 震央經度(NGA) degree NGA資料庫
Lat_Y.NGA epicenter latitude from NGA database 震央緯度(NGA) degree NGA資料庫
Depth.NGA hypocenter depth from NGA database 震源深度(NGA) km NGA資料庫
Lon_X.CCLD epicenter longitude used in CCLD 震央經度(CCLD) degree Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Lat_Y.CCLD epicenter latitude used in CCLD 震央緯度(CCLD) degree Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Depth.CCLD hypocenter depth used in CCLD 震源深度(CCLD) km Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Lon_X.CWB epicenter longitude by CWB 震央經度(氣象局) degree SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Lat_Y.CWB epicenter latitude by CWB 震央緯度(氣象局) degree SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Depth.CWB hypocenter depth by CWB 震源深度(氣象局) km SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Lon_X.WU epicenter longitude by Prof.Wu 震央經度(吳逸民教授) degree SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Lat_Y.WU epicenter latitude by Prof.Wu 震央緯度(吳逸民教授) degree SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Depth.WU hypocenter depth by Prof.Wu 震源深度(吳逸民教授) km SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Depth.sugg suggest hypocenter depth 震源深度(建議值) km  
Magnitude magnitude from database (NGA, TNGA) 地震規模(NGA, TNGA)   NGA, TNGA 資料庫
Magnitude.Type magnitude type from database (NGA, TNGA) 地震規模類型(NGA, TNGA)   NGA, TNGA 資料庫
M.Author magnitude author infomation from NGA database 地震規模來源(NGA)   NGA資料庫
ML.CWB Local magnitude by CWB 芮氏規模(氣象局)   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
ML.WU Local magnitude by Prof.Wu 芮氏規模(吳逸民教授)   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
MW.GCMT Moment magnitude from Global CMT 地震矩規模(Global CMT)   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
MW.BATS Moment magnitude from BATS 地震矩規模(BATS)   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
MW.CWB Moment magnitude from CWB 地震矩規模(CWB)   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
MW.Convert Moment magnitude convert from ML 地震矩規模(轉換自ML)   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
MW.sugg suggest moment magnitude 建議之地震矩規模   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Mainshock_ID mainshock id 主震ID,標示主餘震序列ID
  SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Ztor.NGA Depth to top of fault rupture from NGA database 距斷層破裂面頂端深度 km NGA資料庫
Ztor.CCLD Depth to top of fault rupture 距斷層破裂面頂端深度 km Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Ztor.sugg suggest Depth to top of fault rupture 距斷層破裂面頂端深度(建議值) km  
Fault.type mechanism base on rake angle
Intra.Inter.Flag earthquake type for subduction EQ from NGA database 隱沒帶地震類型(NGA-Sub)   NGA資料庫
eq.type earthquake type 地震類型   Person selected
eq.type.0811 earthquake type classification base on zoning 地震類型    
eq.type.0914 earthquake type classification base on zoning using new subduction zone model. (GMC_EQ_Classification_20160914.html) 地震類型    
Strike.NGA strike 走向 degree NGA資料庫
Dip.NGA dip 傾角 degree NGA資料庫
Rake.NGA rake 滑移角 degree NGA資料庫
Strike.CCLD strike 走向 degree Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Dip.CCLD dip 傾角 degree Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Rake.CCLD rake 滑移角 degree Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Strike1 strike 走向 degree SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Dip1 dip 傾角 degree SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Rake1 rake 滑移角 degree SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Strike2 strike 走向 degree SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Dip2 dip 傾角 degree SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Rake2 rake 滑移角 degree SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Strike suggest strike 走向 degree  
Dip suggest dip 傾角 degree  
Rake suggest rake 滑移角 degree  
fault_plane the selection of two fault plane (WU) 震源機制解中選擇的斷層面   SSHAC SSC 地震目錄資料
Fault_Length.CCLD fault length 斷層長度 km Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Fault_Width.CCLD fault width 斷層寬度 km Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Column_name Description_en 說明 單位(unit) Note
STA_ID station id 測站ID    
STA_Lon_X station longitude 測站經度   NCREE Dr.Kuo
STA_Lat_Y station latitude 測站緯度   NCREE Dr.Kuo
STA_Elevation station elevation 測站高程 m NCREE Dr.Kuo
Vs30_sugg suggest Vs30 Vs30 m/s NCREE Dr.Kuo
Vs30_ref reference of Vs30:
K12: Kuo et al. (2012) and EGDT (measured Vs30),
K16: Kuo et al. (2016) (measured Vs30),
LT08: Lee and Tsai (2008) (estimated Vs30),
AW09: Allen and Wald (2009) (estimated Vs30),
na: not available
Vs30出處   NCREE Dr.Kuo
Vs30_class 1 for measured Vs30, 0 for infered 量測或者推估Vs30,1=量測, 0=推估    
Z1.0_sugg Z1.0 Z1.0 m NCREE Dr.Kuo
Z1.0_ref reference of Z1.0:
a: microtremor array method (Kuo et al., 2016),
e: EGDT (Kuo et al., 2012),
r: Receiver Function,
h: HVSR,
inf: Inferred from relationship of Vs30 and Z1.0 in Taiwan,
na: not available
Z1.0出處   NCREE Dr.Kuo
Kappa_sugg Kappa kappa   NCREE Dr.Kuo
kappa_ref reference of kappa (Chang et al. (2016)) kappa出處   NCREE Dr.Kuo
STA_Lat_Y.NGA station latitude from NGA database 測站緯度 (NGA)   NGA資料庫
STA_Lon_X.NGA station longitude from NGA database 測站經度 (NGA)   NGA資料庫

Columns for Distance metrics

Column_name Description_en 說明 單位(unit) Note
EpiD.CWB epicentral distance (by CWB hypocenter location) 震央距離 km Lon_X.CWB,Lat_Y.CWB
EpiD.WU epicentral distance (by Prof.Wu’s relocatoin hypocenter location) 震央距離 km Lon_X.WU,Lat_Y.WU
EpiD.NGA epicentral distance from NGA database 震央距離 km NGA資料庫
EpiD.CCLD epicentral distance 震央距離 km Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
HypD.CWB hypocentral distance (by CWB hypocenter location) 震源距離 km Lon_X.CWB,Lat_Y.CWB,Depth.CWB
HypD.WU hypocentral distance (by Prof.Wu’s relocatoin hypocenter location) 震源距離 km Lon_X.WU,Lat_Y.WU,Depth.WU
HypD.NGA hypocentral distance from NGA database 震源距離 km NGA資料庫
HypD.CCLD hypocentral distance 震源距離 km Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Rrup.NGA Closest distance to fault rupture from NGA database 距斷層面最短距離 km NGA資料庫
Rjb.NGA Joyner and Boore distance from NGA database 距斷層地表投影面最短距離 km NGA資料庫
Rseis.NGA Campbell distance from NGA database 距孕震深度最短距離 km NGA資料庫
RmsD.NGA Root-mean-squared distance from NGA database   km NGA資料庫
Rx.NGA Horizontal distance from top edge of rupture. perpendicular to the fault strike.from NGA database 測站垂直斷層走向方向的水平距離 km NGA資料庫
Rrup.CCLD Closest distance to fault rupture 距斷層面最短距離 km Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Rjb.CCLD Joyner and Boore distance 距斷層地表投影面最短距離 km Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Rmsd.CCLD Root-mean-squared distance   km Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Rx.CCLD Horizontal distance from top edge of rupture. perpendicular to the fault strike. 測站垂直斷層走向方向的水平距離 km Brain模擬計算段層面距離資料
Rrup.sugg suggest Closest distance to fault rupture      
Rjb.sugg suggest Joyner and Boore distance      
Rhypo.sugg suggest hypocentral distance      
Rx.sugg suggest Rx      
Ry.sugg suggest Ry      
U Ry + L / 2, L is fault length      
ChPrime the approximate isochronous velocity      
E the length of rupture toward the site      
AveR the average radiation pattern      
Cat category variable indicating the method used in distance calculation of a particular event.
A: All fault attributes are extracted from a preferred finite fault model (see discussions below); randomization of fault attributes is not necessary .
B: The strike/dip/rake of preferred fault plane is selected from the available fault plane solutions; random sampling of fault area, fault length, and hypo position on fault are made according to the distributions described in CY2008.
C: Fault plane solution is available, but preferred plane is unresolved; in addition to the random sampling of category B, random selection over the two possible planes (0.5/0.5 weight) is made.
D: Fault plane solution is unavailable; fault plane geometry and faulting mechanism are inferred from historical average; in addition to the randomization of category B, random sampling of strike (from a uniform distribution between +- 30 degrees of inferred value) and dip (from a uniform distribution between +- 10 degrees of inferred dip)
E: Neither fault plane solution nor historical average are available; random samples of mechanism (which is then used to set the dip angle), strike, fault length, fault area, and hypocenter position on fault are made.
FW.HW.Indicator hanging-wall footwall indicator(hw=hanging wall region, fw= footwall region, nu=neutral region, na: not applicable as fault dip is greater than 70, NA= no data.) 斷層上下盤指標   NGA資料庫
hwflag hanging-wall flag, 1=hanging-wall, 0=not 斷層上下盤指標    

Columns for Record process

Column_name Description_en 說明 單位(unit) Note
HP_H1 High-pass corner frequency for component H1 高通濾波頻率-H1分量 Hz  
HP_H2 High-pass corner frequency for component H2 高通濾波頻率-H2分量 Hz  
HP_Z High-pass corner frequency for component Z 高通濾波頻率- Z分量 Hz  
LP_H1 Low-pass corner frequency for component H1 低通濾波頻率-H1分量 Hz  
LP_H2 Low-pass corner frequency for component H2 低通濾波頻率-H2分量 Hz  
LP_Z Low-pass corner frequency for component Z 低通濾波頻率- Z分量 Hz  
Lowest_Usable_Freq_H1 lowest usable frequency H1 最小可用頻率-水平分量1 Hz NGA資料庫
Lowest_Usable_Freq_H2 lowest usable frequency H2 最小可用頻率-水平分量2 Hz NGA資料庫
Lowest_Usable_Freq_Ave lowest usable frequencty avg (largest of H1,H2)) 最小可用頻率-兩水平量最大值 Hz NGA資料庫
usable_period_H longest usable period 最長可用週期 sec  
PGA.raw.Z record raw PGA (unprocessed) 紀錄原始PGA gal  
PGA.raw.NS record raw PGA (unprocessed) 紀錄原始PGA gal  
PGA.raw.EW record raw PGA (unprocessed) 紀錄原始PGA gal  
Instrument Instrument type 儀器型號    

Columns for Ground motion values

Column_name Description_en 說明 單位(unit) Note
PGV PGV PGV cm/s  
T0.010S PSA Sa g  
PSA Sa g  
T20.000S PSA Sa g  
Sa_source Source of Sa value Sa值資料來源